How To Design Midterm Election Campaign Buttons

It’s 2018, and the midterm elections are in full-swing. If you’re running for re-election or especially, running for the first time, you’ll want to make sure that your name, brand, and platform is at the forefront of your community’s mind.

If you’re struggling with designing your campaign’s buttons, this post will help you. We break it down to the three most important elements of any campaign button for maximum impact. Continue reading How To Design Midterm Election Campaign Buttons

25 Iconic Campaign Buttons

It’s 2018 and mid-term election campaigning is underway! Campaign buttons are an American tradition dating back to the very first American election of George Washington. If you are running for re-election or even just trying to get your foot in the door, you want to make sure that your community can see you! Campaign buttons are the perfect way to accomplish this. Illustrate your platform, shine a light on your cause and let the community know what you’re all about with low-cost, campaign buttons.

Continue reading 25 Iconic Campaign Buttons

Why Your Beauty Line Needs Button Mirrors

Studies show that 55% of consumers are buying their make-up online now.

Social Media has changed the game when it comes to marketing a business. Not only does your product line need an impeccable social media presence and a stand-out design, but because there are so many options for a customer to choose from, they are also looking for an incentive – what makes your brand stand out? Button mirrors, of course! Continue reading Why Your Beauty Line Needs Button Mirrors