We live in the advertising age and one of the hardest marketing strategies is coming up with a memorable, creative and catchy slogan that properly represents your company or brand. A famous slogan stays with consumers—it is how they think of the product. A slogan or marketing campaign is only worthwhile if people remember it.
Great slogans and advertising taglines must be easily identifiable and be consistent with the brand, memorable, beneficial and create positive feelings for the consumer. They should set your company apart from its competitors, but they have to be simple. The slogan should also highlight the meaning behind your company or product’s mission statement. That sounds pretty easy to do right?
A good way to get your wheels spinning when you need inspiration for marketing campaign creativity is to look to the best. Here are 50 of the best and most famous slogans.
Continue reading 50 of the Best Product Slogans and Taglines of All Time